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Adult Zumba

Join in on the fun featuring easy-to-follow Latin dance choreography while working on your balance, coordination and range of motion. Come prepared for enthusiastic instruction, a little strength training and a lot of fun. Participants are encouraged to bring their own equipment: weights, water bottle, hand towel etc. Proof of vaccination required.

Event Series Smorgasburg


New York City's favorite outdoor food market, Smorgasburg, is back at the World Trade Center. Starting on April 5, on Fridays through October, come out to Fulton Street and enjoy a variety of eats and treats from over 20 local vendors.

China Institute Lunch and Learn

Virtual gathering to read aloud Chinese poetry, learn about Chinese culture, and gain insight into Chinese life through Chinese art, literature, and history. Participants will enjoy live, interactive learning sessions with our language and cultural experts from home.


Oculus Beer Garden

World Trade Center

Come experience the Oculus Beer Garden and enjoy breathtaking city views while relaxing and unwinding in a unique, outdoor setting. Located at 2 World Trade Center Plaza, the Oculus Beer Garden was established in partnership with Westfield and Legends as a destination where guests can enjoy premium beverages, light bites, and live entertainment.

The Origin of Chinese Characters and the Nature of Calligraphy

For nearly 2,000 years, Chinese people has transformed the act of writing characters into the art of calligraphy, a unique practice elevating the practicality of writing characters into an exceptional art form with rare similarities among other cultures in the world. Through the interplay of black and white, dots and lines, Chinese calligraphy embodies both […]

Skyscraper Holiday Cards

Making holiday cards can be a fun way to celebrate the jolly season and show appreciation for our loved ones. Let’s be merry together and use skyscrapers to express our festive spirit. Join us on the frosty morning of December 14th to decorate skyscraper themed cards and spread some holiday cheer! All ages welcome.


Artists Talk: Art and the Changing Environment

Join artists Davina Hsu and Michelle Weinberg, from Open Call: Environmental Resiliency and Care, for a presentation about new, temporary public artwork installed on 1100 ft of construction shed along Battery Place. In both Weinberg’s River Semaphore and Hsu’s Blessing Transmission, site-specific imagery focuses on relationships between nature, communities, and environmental stewardship in new and […]


29th Showcase Opening Reading: Wo Chan, Erika Meitner, Fred Moten, and Charif Shanahan

Opening of the 29th Poets House Showcase, a literary exhibition and reading series that captures the breadth of contemporary poetry publishing. Delve into landmark collections with Wo Chan, Erika Meitner, Fred Moten, and Charif Shanahan. This reading accompanies the Showcase exhibition opening, a panoramic display of thousands of poetry publications: books, chapbooks, broadsides, and poetry-related […]


Time for Three

Bonded by an uncommon blend of instruments and vocals, Charles Yang (violin), Nick Kendall (violin), and Ranaan Meyer (double bass), defy conventions with genre-bending excellence, pushing creative boundaries and leaving audiences worldwide captivated.


Oculus Beer Garden

World Trade Center

Come experience the Oculus Beer Garden and enjoy breathtaking city views while relaxing and unwinding in a unique, outdoor setting. Located at 2 World Trade Center Plaza, the Oculus Beer Garden was established in partnership with Westfield and Legends as a destination where guests can enjoy premium beverages, light bites, and live entertainment.

Christmas Bird Count

Governors Island

The 125th annu­al Audubon Christ­mas Bird Count — the nation’s longest-run­ning Com­mu­ni­ty-Sci­ence bird project — will soon be under­way nation­wide, and in all five bor­oughs of New York City. Any­one can par­tic­i­pate, even begin­ner bird­ers! The data col­lect­ed over the past cen­tu­ry by vol­un­teer observers, rang­ing from expe­ri­enced ornithol­o­gists to casu­al nature enthu­si­asts, allow researchers to study the long-term […]
