Right from the beginning of his career, Sholem Asch, a yeshiva school dropout from a small Polish village, placed himself at the center of global theatrical culture. His 24 dramas were presented on major stages in multiple languages throughout the world making him one of the most produced Jewish playwrights in history. In Land of My Soul leading Asch interpreter Caraid O’Brien performs excerpts from some of Asch’s most successful and controversial dramas including God of Vengeance, Motke Thief, The Dead Man, Rabbi Doctor Silver, On the Road to Zion, Our Faith and Amnon and Tamar. This one-person performance weaves together never before seen in English monologues from Asch’s plays (translated by O’Brien) alongside their stunning theatrical histories. The performance will be followed by a talkback with Sholem Asch’s great grandson, David Mazower, chief curator of Yiddish: A Global Culture, the Yiddish Book Center’s new core exhibition, and Lisa Newman, Director of Publishing and Public Programs, Yiddish Book Center.