Lecture on the literary achievements of Kenneth Pai (白先勇), one of the most influential contemporary Chinese American writers whose contributions have left an indelible mark on the world of literature. Professor Liu Jun of Nanjing University, a distinguished scholar with extensive expertise in Chinese literature, will lead this insightful exploration. Kenneth Pai, renowned for his rich storytelling and cultural insights, has crafted a body of work that bridges the East and West, reflecting the complexities of the Chinese diaspora. Professor Liu Jun, author of a biography on Pai, will delve into the intricate layers of Pai’s writing, offering profound insights into the themes, characters, and cultural nuances that define his literary masterpieces. Noteworthy is Pai’s passionate advocacy for Kunqu Opera, a commitment that has contributed significantly to the preservation of traditional Chinese performing arts. Gain an understanding of how his love for this art form has influenced and enriched his creative endeavors at this lecture.

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