Film screening outdoors. Razor-sharp wit and expert­ly deployed star wattage — not to men­tion crack­ling sex­u­al chem­istry between the two leads — were in abun­dant sup­ply when Steven Soder­bergh burst into the main­stream, direct­ing Scott Frank’s ultra-cool adap­ta­tion of Elmore Leonard’s 1996 nov­el. George Clooney is Jack Foley, a career bank rob­ber on the run after break­ing out of a Flori­da pen­i­ten­tiary; Jen­nifer Lopez is U.S. Mar­shal Karen Sis­co, the no-non­sense law enforce­ment offi­cer who’s deter­mined to put Foley back behind bars.

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Date: 07/07/2023

Time: 8:30 pm

Cost: Free

Event Category:

