Film screening outdoors. For­mer bank teller Frankie (Vive­ca A. Fox) is strug­gling to make ends meet, work­ing a low-pay­ing job as a jan­i­tor along­side close friends Cleo (Queen Lat­i­fah), Stony (Jada Pin­kett Smith), and T.T. (Kim­ber­ly Elise) in mid-’90s Los Ange­les. When the four women, angered and demor­al­ized by the sta­tus quo of relent­less injus­tice that cur­tails and under­mines their aspi­ra­tions, set about sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly rob­bing banks around the city, com­pli­ca­tions soon arise in the dis­parate forms of their tyran­ni­cal boss (Thomas Jef­fer­son Byrd), an unsym­pa­thet­ic LAPD detec­tive (John C. McGin­ley), and a bud­ding romance between Stony and a charm­ing bank man­ag­er (Blair Under­wood).

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Date: 06/07/2023

Time: 8:30 pm

Cost: Free

Event Category:

