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Pace University Campus Walk

Pace University

The Out of the Darkness Campus Walks are the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention's (AFSP) signature student fundraising series, designed to engage youth and young adults in the fight to prevent suicide, a leading cause of death. Register for free to walk with us and/or consider making a contribution.


Urban Farm Tour

Governors Island

Dis­cov­er a world of bees, com­post, and organ­ic gar­den­ing right in New York City! Join the Bee Con­ser­van­cy, Earth Mat­ter NY, and GrowNYC for a tour of the Urban Farm on Gov­er­nors Island, and learn about each orga­ni­za­tion’s work.


Mafalda Minnozzi

With an ethereal voice that effortlessly bridges cultures and a touring career spanning three continents, Mafalda Minnozzi masterfully unites the rich tapestries of Italian, Brazilian, French, and American musical traditions.


Cinco de Mayo Celebration

Margaritas. Mariachi music. More margaritas. Savor the flavors and festive energy of Cinco de Mayo at the Seaport.

Oculus Beer Garden

World Trade Center

Come experience the Oculus Beer Garden and enjoy breathtaking city views while relaxing and unwinding in a unique, outdoor setting. Located at 2 World Trade Center Plaza, the Oculus Beer Garden was established in partnership with Westfield and Legends as a destination where guests can enjoy premium beverages, light bites, and live entertainment.

New York Har­bor Oys­ter Clas­sic 5K

Governors Island

Don’t miss the 6th Annu­al New York Har­bor Oys­ter Clas­sic 5K! This race around Gov­er­nors Island ben­e­fits the Urban Assem­bly New York Har­bor School (locat­ed on Gov­er­nors Island) and its pro­grams work­ing to restore the waters of New York Har­bor, and train­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of pilots, divers, engi­neers, marine tech­ni­cians, cli­mate change spe­cial­ists and […]

Playscape Performs

Family-oriented shows at the ShowBox, the first improv theater in a New York City playground. Show is repeated at 12:30pm.


Cyanotype Workshop

Governors Island

This work­shop series will teach basic cyan­otype print­ing on paper and fab­ric, fea­tur­ing plants and nat­ur­al pig­ments cul­ti­vat­ed at Earth Mat­ter Soil Start Farms’ Her­itage Beds.


Hybrid Sea Chanteys and Maritime Music

South Street Seaport Museum

Join the lively chantey experience either in-person at the Seaport Museum’s introduction galleries or virtually via Zoom, allowing you to join from anywhere. Each sing will be hosted by a local artist who will lead the sea-song sing-along, featuring a variety of traditional maritime work songs and ballads. Attendees are encouraged to sing along with […]


Jazz Icons: Chucho Valdés Trio

Cuban pianist, composer, and arranger Chucho Valdés is the most influential figure in modern Afro-Cuban jazz. He is perhaps best known for helming iconic Cuban ensemble Irakere (1973–2005). In a career spanning more than 60 years, Valdés has distilled elements of the Afro-Cuban music tradition, jazz, classical music, rock, and more into a deeply personal […]


Spring Birdwatching

What birds live in your backyard? Join us this spring migration season to find out! This series of birdwatching outings is fun for beginners, hobbyists, and lifelong birders alike. Together, we will explore the parks of BPC, and see what makes this spot a hang-out for urban birds and marvelous migrators! Binoculars and field guides […]


Creative Writing

Walk & writing session led by poet Jon Curley. Participants will be encouraged to use observations as a way to enhance their writing styles in any preferred mode. Registration required, please email: [email protected].
