About Those Curbside Containers That You’ve Seen Around the Neighborhood
Trash bags on the sidewalks have been an ongoing issue in our district and citywide. They block pedestrian traffic. They can get a little pungent. Sometimes they even attract unwanted critters. The Clean Curbs pilot program is an attempt to corral those bags and make everyone’s downtown experience a little more pleasant.
By now you might have noticed the new sets of nondescript, oversized containers that are part of the Downtown Alliance’s and DSNY’s Clean Curbs initiative to reduce odors, leakage and pests. And the Alliance’s sanitation team is already hard at work rounding up bags with these containers and servicing them daily to ensure they are kept clean and in good condition. DSNY will collect from them three times a day.
The Clean Curbs containers can be found in the curb lanes at the following locations:
- 50 West Street (Washington St side)
- 26 Broadway (Beaver St side)
- 57 Gold Street
- 10 Hanover Square (Water St side)
- 75 Wall Street (Pearl St side)
You can learn more about the program here.
Tags: clean curbs, dsny