Note from DSNY: Chain Stores Must Containerize Their Waste
A heads up from NYC’s Department of Sanitation:
Starting September 5, all chain businesses in NYC must use rigid containers with secure lids when setting out trash for collection. This new rule is an important step in keeping our streets clean! This rule applies to any business with five or more locations in New York City, regardless of what is sold. Any perishable material (refuse or organic material) set out on the curb for collection must be in a container with a secure lid.
DSNY added that the new requirement doesn’t include recyclable materials such as metal, glass, plastic or paper, and that the rule need not apply to businesses that set out their waste at loading docks.
Regarding set-out times, waste materials can be placed on the curb either one hour before closing or after 8 p.m. Till then, bins should be kept indoors or in a rear yard. More from DSNY:
If space is not available, bins can be stored within three feet of the building line when not set out for collection. Bins must be maintained in a neat and orderly manner and always allow for a clear path of pedestrian travel on the sidewalk.
Details on upcoming info sessions about these rules and more information can be found at DSNY’s Use Bins page.
photo: iStock
Tags: dsny