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Tag: nature

Stewardship Day at Gotham Park

Clean-up and gardening.

Stewardship Day at Gotham Park

Stewardship Day at Gotham Park

Clean-up and gardening.

Stewardship Day at Gotham Park

Stewardship Day at Gotham Park

Clean-up and gardening.

Christmas Bird Count

Christmas Bird Count

The 125th annu­al Audubon Christ­mas Bird Count — the nation’s longest-run­ning Com­mu­ni­ty-Sci­ence bird project — will soon...

Stewardship Day at Gotham Park

Stewardship Day at Gotham Park

Clean-up and gardening.

Winter Tree Tour

Winter Tree Tour

Tour of the Island’s 3,000+ trees. Learn about how we care for our canopy year-round, dis­cov­er the most com­mon trees on the Island, and gain...

Stewardship Day at Gotham Park

Stewardship Day at Gotham Park

Clean-up and gardening.

Children’s Gardening Open Hours

Children’s Gardening Open Hours

BPCA naturalists will be on hand to answer questions and make discoveries about the creatures that grow, crawl, hop, and fly through the garden. Join...

Earth Matter’s Anniversary Party

Earth Matter’s Anniversary Party

Cel­e­brate 15 years of Earth Mat­ter at their anniver­sary par­ty! Held at LMC­C’s Arts Cen­ter at Gov­er­nors Island, this...

Guided Bird Tour

Guided Bird Tour

Explore the diversity of migrating birds that find food and habitat in The Battery.

Monthly Service Day

Monthly Service Day

Par­tic­i­pate in a sin­­gle-day stew­ard­ship project focused on habi­tat restora­tion on Governors Island.

Fall Bird Watching

Fall Bird Watching

Explore the parks of BPC, and spot migrating birds. Binoculars and field guides provided or bring your own.

Farm Tour for Kids

Farm Tour for Kids

Take a kid-friendly tour of The Battery Urban Farm! Help care for the plants on the farm, taste some produce, and meet our wildlife