One Crucial Lower Manhattan Movie Location We Overlooked

Devoted readers are likely familiar with our list of Lower Manhattan movie locations you should know, a compendium featuring 27 downtown scenes from the likes of “Working Girl,” “Ghost” and “Trading Places” (among 24 others). We thought the collection was pretty comprehensive, but an eagle-eyed reader pointed out a huge omission — and one that features the Downtown Alliance’s own office building no less!
Reader Ned notes that 120 Broadway makes a cameo appearance in Martin Scorsese’s 2013 comedy “The Wolf of Wall Street.” It’s the site of Jordan Belfort’s (Leonardo DiCaprio) first job as a licensed broker at L.F. Rothschild. Unfortunately, Belfort’s Rothschild gig was short-lived thanks to the 1987 crash, but not before he got to have that hilarious liquid lunch with Mark Hanna (Matthew McConaughey) at Windows on the World.
You can catch the 120 Broadway exterior about 15 minutes into the film.
screenshot: Paramount/Universal
Tags: movie locations, wolf of wall street