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House Fest 2024

Governors Island

More than two dozen cul­tur­al part­ners join for a cre­ative cel­e­bra­tion in and around the his­toric for­mer mil­i­tary hous­es of Nolan Park and Colonels Row on the Island, fea­tur­ing free dance and music per­for­mances, out­door instal­la­tions, inter­ac­tive work­shops, open stu­dios, pan­el dis­cus­sions, and more.


Monthly Service Day

Governors Island

Par­tic­i­pate in a sin­­gle-day stew­ard­ship project focused on habi­tat restora­tion on Governors Island.


Jazz Age Lawn Party

Governors Island

Break out your best flap­per dress­es, linen jack­ets, straw hats and spats, and 100-year-old Gats­by-inspired attire! The Jazz Age Lawn Par­ty on Gov­er­nors Island fea­tures live music, retro cock­tails, and ​’20s Pro­hi­bi­tion era enter­tain­ment. Explore the Island and join dance lessons, take a vin­tage por­trait, check out the antique 1920s cars, play cro­quet, enjoy a […]


Meet the New York Climate Exchange

Governors Island

Tours and infor­mal infor­ma­tion­al ses­sions on Gov­er­nors Island this sum­mer. Vis­i­tors will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn about The Exchange’s mis­sion, vision, antic­i­pat­ed pro­gram­ming, and phys­i­cal design — even before con­struc­tion offi­cial­ly begins in 2025.


Urban Farm Tour

Governors Island

Dis­cov­er a world of bees, com­post, and organ­ic gar­den­ing right in New York City! Join the Bee Con­ser­van­cy, Earth Mat­ter NY, and GrowNYC for a tour of the Urban Farm on Gov­er­nors Island, and learn about each orga­ni­za­tion’s work.


NYCRuns Ice Cream Social 10K

Governors Island

Each entry to the NYCRUNS Man­hat­tan Ice Cream Social 10K includes a fer­ry ride, your race-entry, a snazzy tech t‑shirt, and post-race eats, includ­ing of course, ice cream!

Interventions: Rena Anakwe

Governors Island

Join artist Rena Anakwe for a free son­ic per­for­mance pre­sent­ed by Gov­er­nors Island Arts under­neath the his­toric Liggett Hall arch­way on Gov­er­nors Island. Free with registration. Pre­sent­ed as part of INTER­VEN­TIONS, a site-respon­sive, mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary free annu­al per­for­mance series from Gov­er­nors Island Arts that presents local, nation­al, and inter­na­tion­al artists and invites audi­ences to expe­ri­ence work […]


Cyanotype Workshop

Governors Island

This work­shop series will teach basic cyan­otype print­ing on paper and fab­ric, fea­tur­ing plants and nat­ur­al pig­ments cul­ti­vat­ed at Earth Mat­ter Soil Start Farms’ Her­itage Beds.


New York City Poetry Festival

Governors Island

Read­ings, work­shops, open mics, instal­la­tions, per­for­mances, writ­ing activ­i­ties, book­selling, chil­dren’s pro­gram­ming, a beer gar­den, deli­cious food, and a whole lot of lying around in the grass lis­ten­ing to poetry. By unit­ing the largest com­mu­ni­ty of poets in the coun­try and offer­ing a unique set­ting for lit­er­ary activ­i­ty, the New York City Poet­ry Fes­ti­val elec­tri­fies arts […]


Games People Play: Let’s Dance

Governors Island

Art­Crawl Harlem and mixed-media artist (and 2024 artist in res­i­dence) Sal­ly Twin invite all to come dance and explore move­ment while cre­at­ing a paint­ing! Your danc­ing feet (the print­ing press) upon pre­pared bub­ble wrap will make a unique work of art in the front lawn of Colonels Row Build­ing 403. Group motion in the form […]


Urban Farm Tour

Governors Island

Dis­cov­er a world of bees, com­post, and organ­ic gar­den­ing right in New York City! Join the Bee Con­ser­van­cy, Earth Mat­ter NY, and GrowNYC for a tour of the Urban Farm on Gov­er­nors Island, and learn about each orga­ni­za­tion’s work.


NYCRuns Firecracker 10K

Governors Island

Run­ners will get to take a whirl­wind tour of Gov­er­nors Island, com­plete with amaz­ing views. Gov­er­nors Island was instru­men­tal in Amer­i­can Inde­pen­dence, serv­ing as look­out in the New York Har­bor to keep Man­hat­tan safe. You can see it’s his­to­ry as you run NYCRUN­S’s course, pass­ing old mil­i­tary out­posts, bunkers, and even a cas­tle! Race entry […]