In this work­shop at Earth Mat­ter’s Laven­der Field, you will learn to sus­tain­ably har­vest laven­der flow­ers and will par­tic­i­pate in the alchem­i­cal process of nurs­ing the pre­cious flower water and essen­tial oil out of the plants. You’ll also learn the tra­di­tion­al Proven­cal skill where­by laven­der flow­ers are encased in a cage of their own stems with col­or­ful rib­bon woven over and under the ​“bars” of the cage. Cre­ate a unique work of scent-filled art, a ​“mag­ic wand” of fra­grance that will last for decades.

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Date: 07/09/2023

Time: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Cost: $60

Event Category:

