Call for Artists: Governors Island, LMCC Want Your Ice Sculpture Ideas

01/26/2022 in
Call for Artists: Governors Island, LMCC Want Your Ice Sculpture Ideas

If you need a healthy distraction during winter hibernation, how does coming up with an idea for an ice sculpture sound? 

The Trust for Governors Island and Lower Manhattan Cultural Council has put out an open call for artists to submit concepts for an ice sculpture to be completed on Saturday, February 26, at the Governors Island Winter Ice Sculpture Show. The geniuses behind the 10 selected concepts will be awarded cash for participation, and artists of “all backgrounds and disciplines” are encouraged to get their creative juices flowing and come up with something inspiring. After all, whipping up an ice sculpture requires no practicing — like piano! 

Here’s what the LMCC is looking for:

Selected artists or teams will receive an award of $2,000 to participate, and will be provided with tools, production materials, and will be matched with a professional ice carver from Okamoto Studio to complete the work on the day of the event. The deadline to send your proposals is Wednesday, February 9.

On the following Friday, February 18, LMCC will publish its winning submissions online, as artists are encouraged to spread the word of the event to friends and fans. Prizes will be awarded to audience members at the event friends, and the sculptures will remain displayed on Governors Island as long as they can last.

Read more about the ice-sculpture show here and, for further information, feel free to email the trust’s Arts and Cul­ture team.

photo: iStock

Tags: Governors Island, ice sculptures, lmcc

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