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Construction Update: Peter Minuit Plaza and the New Amsterdam Plein & Pavillion

Construction Update: Peter Minuit Plaza and the New Amsterdam Plein & Pavillion

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority and New York City Department of Transportation are reconstructing Peter Minuit Plaza at South Ferry...

Construction Update: Peter Minuit Plaza and the New Amsterdam Plein & Pavillion

Construction Update: Peter Minuit Plaza and the New Amsterdam Plein & Pavillion

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority and New York City Department of Transportation are reconstructing Peter Minuit Plaza at South Ferry...

I Ran Downtown (for a day)

I Ran Downtown (for a day)

What a perfect day for a run!  Even at 7:35am, when close to 12,000 half-marathoners got ready to cross the starting line in Central Park, the sun...

She Runs Downtown

She Runs Downtown

Yep, I’m officially in.  Today, I picked up my bib number and my goodie bag from New York Road Runners.  Along with my race shirt and other...

March Mess Around Downtown Madness

March Mess Around Downtown Madness

Welcome back to Mess Around Downtown!The days of it being completely acceptable to gamble in the office and come back from lunch with a bit of a...

Hive – Up In The Air edition

Hive – Up In The Air edition

You’ve heard me spout on about how joining the Hive as a member links you to a community of like-minded people.  But, the Hive does more than...

Organic Downtown

Organic Downtown

Ever wonder where you can pick up some fresh, organic kale in the neighborhood?  Probably not, but maybe you should.  Known as one of the...

Hive at 55: Meet a Member

Hive at 55: Meet a Member

I'm glad to say that each week the Hive at 55 gets more members, more visitors, and more people interested in our unique coworking space in Lower...

Mess Around Downtown: March 10, 2010

Mess Around Downtown: March 10, 2010

Welcome back to Mess Around Downtown!It feels like Spring outside. Time to start planning your Downtown garden. Time to do your taxes. Time to go...

Art Where You Least Expect It

Art Where You Least Expect It

Walking through Lower Manhattan reminds me of three fateful courses I took in my sophomore year of college:  Karsten Harries’ Philosophy of...

Little Lad’s, Big Flavor

Little Lad’s, Big Flavor

When I come to work the thing I really look forward to is lunchtime because I know I will be going to my favorite place. That place is Little Lad’s...

Little Lad’s, Big Flavor

Little Lad’s, Big Flavor

When I come to work the thing I really look forward to is lunchtime because I know I will be going to my favorite place. That place is Little Lad’s...