Downtown Alliance Hosts MulchFest and Electronic Waste Recycling Event on Saturday, January 12th
The Alliance for Downtown New York will host a MulchFest and Electronic Waste Recycling Event to help New Yorkers avoid a post-holiday headache by...

Going Green in Lower Manhattan
It's that time of year again, so spread the word to your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers and join us for our upcoming two “green”...

Downtown Alliance, Council Member Chin and Volunteers Beautify Lower Manhattan at Spring Community Day 2012
On Saturday, May 12, the Downtown Alliance and Council Member Margaret Chin brought together volunteers to spruce up Wall Street Park and take part...

Mulch to Talk About
This weekend the Downtown Alliance held its fourth annual MulchFest event in Bowling Green, and close to 400 trees were collected!Free Downtown...

MulchFest is back!
Now that the holidays are over, you probably are wondering what to do with your holiday tree, let alone the earlier versions of the new electronic...

After the Holidays, Don’t Forget MulchFest & E-Waste Recycling
Don’t chuck that holiday tree to the curb! Give your tree a new life at the Downtown Alliance’s Annual MulchFest and Electronic Waste Recycling...