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Tag: nature

Monthly Service Day

Monthly Service Day

Help to grow milk­weed, a native peren­ni­al, from seed along­side the team respon­si­ble for stew­ard­ing the Island’s land­scapes. Lend...

Hot for Fire Cider

Hot for Fire Cider

Home fer­men­ta­tion? Yes, please! At this work­shop, host­ed by Earth Mat­ter NY, par­tic­i­pants will com­bine ​“hot”...

Farming 101 Workshop: Season Extension

Farming 101 Workshop: Season Extension

Visit our urban farm to about the crops and practices that can help keep your garden producing all winter long. RSVP is required.

Farming 101 Workshop: Season Extension

Farming 101 Workshop: Season Extension

Visit our urban farm to about the crops and practices that can help keep your garden producing all winter long. RSVP is required.

Workshop: Bulb Design and Planting

Workshop: Bulb Design and Planting

Learn about different types of bulbs and how to plant them properly, and explore techniques for designing a spring display of flowers. RSVP is...

Governors Island Nature Launch

Governors Island Nature Launch

Gov­er­nors Island Nature is a new ini­tia­tive that will expand vis­i­tor engage­ment with the island’s 120 acres of nat­ur­al and built...

Meet the New York Climate Exchange

Meet the New York Climate Exchange

Vis­i­tors are invit­ed to pick out their own pump­kins (free with sug­gest­ed dona­tion). One per per­son per household. Gov­er­nors...

Meet the New York Climate Exchange

Meet the New York Climate Exchange

Vis­i­tors are invit­ed to pick out their own pump­kins (free with sug­gest­ed dona­tion). One per per­son per household. Gov­er­nors...

Farming 101 Workshop: Seed Saving

Farming 101 Workshop: Seed Saving

Learn the process of seed saving for vegetables and flowers, and take home some seeds of your own to plant this fall or next spring. RSVP is...

Go Fish! Battery Park City’s Celebration of Life in the Hudson Estuary

Go Fish! Battery Park City’s Celebration of Life in the Hudson Estuary

The day features catch-and-release fishing with experienced anglers. In celebration of City of Forest Day, take part in a tree-themed art project and...

City of Forest Day on Governors Island

City of Forest Day on Governors Island

Learn all about what it takes to effec­tive­ly man­age the unique urban for­est on Gov­er­nors Island at For­est for All NYC’s sec­ond...

Urban Farm Tour

Urban Farm Tour

Dis­cov­er a world of bees, com­post, and organ­ic gar­den­ing right in New York City! Join the Bee Con­ser­van­cy, Earth Mat­ter NY, and...