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Rite of Spring: PUBLI­Quar­tet

Governors Island

PUBLI­Quar­tet will per­form selec­tions from their GRAM­MY-nom­i­nat­ed album, What is Amer­i­can, fea­tur­ing an amal­ga­ma­tion of styles that trace their roots to Amer­i­can Indige­nous and Black music. The title is intend­ed as both a ques­tion and a state­ment: the ques­tion inter­ro­gates our nation’s com­plex musi­cal tra­di­tions, while the state­ment projects tra­di­tions for­ward. Works will be announced […]


Third Saturday

Governors Island

Governors Island's orga­ni­za­tions in res­i­dence offer many spe­cial indoor and out­door activ­i­ties and pub­lic pro­grams.


Jazz Age Lawn Party

Governors Island

Live music, retro cock­tails, and ​’20s Pro­hi­bi­tion era enter­tain­ment. Explore the park and join dance lessons, take a vin­tage por­trait, check out the antique 1920s cars, play cro­quet, enjoy a gourmet pic­nic, and more.


New York City Poetry Festival

Governors Island

The Poet­ry Soci­ety of New York invites poet­ry orga­ni­za­tions and col­lec­tives of all shapes and sizes to bring their unique for­mats, aes­thet­ics, and per­son­al­i­ties to this week­end of read­ings, work­shops, open mics, instal­la­tions, per­for­mances, writ­ing activ­i­ties, book­selling, chil­dren’s pro­gram­ming, a beer gar­den, deli­cious food, and a whole lot of lying around in the grass lis­ten­ing […]


Lavender Alchemy

Governors Island

In this work­shop at Earth Mat­ter’s Laven­der Field, you will learn to sus­tain­ably har­vest laven­der flow­ers and will par­tic­i­pate in the alchem­i­cal process of nurs­ing the pre­cious flower water and essen­tial oil out of the plants. You’ll also learn the tra­di­tion­al Proven­cal skill where­by laven­der flow­ers are encased in a cage of their own stems […]


NYC Runs Firecracker 5K & 10K

Governors Island

Race around Gov­er­nors Island this Fourth of July! Run­ners will get to take a whirl­wind tour of Gov­er­nors Island, com­plete with amaz­ing views. Gov­er­nors Island was instru­men­tal in Amer­i­can Inde­pen­dence, serv­ing as look­out in the New York Har­bor to keep Man­hat­tan safe. You can see it’s his­to­ry as you run NYCRUN­S’s course, pass­ing old mil­i­tary […]

Jazz Age Lawn Party

Governors Island

Break out your best flap­per dress­es, linen jack­ets, straw hats and spats, and 100-year-old Gats­by-inspired attire! New York’s favorite throw­back par­ty is back this June for its 16th anniver­sary. The Jazz Age Lawn Par­ty returns to Gov­er­nors Island with live music, retro cock­tails, and ​’20s Pro­hi­bi­tion era enter­tain­ment. Explore the park and join dance lessons, […]


Lavender Festival

Governors Island

Tours, demon­stra­tions, mak­er work­shops, har­vest­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties and fun fam­i­ly activ­i­ties at the Laven­der Field on Gov­er­nors Island — a heal­ing space for com­mu­ni­ty, bees and the earth, and the only laven­der field in New York City!


Oyster Classic 5K

Governors Island

Run around Governors Island to benefit the Harbor School.


Earth Day on Governors Island

Governors Island

This free day-long cel­e­bra­tion of all things eco­log­i­cal will fea­ture envi­ron­men­tal edu­ca­tion activ­i­ties for all ages, guid­ed tours of the Island’s cli­mate-resilient land­scapes and unique Urban Farm, a bird walk focused on ear­ly migra­to­ry birds pass­ing through Gov­er­nors Island, a hands-on work­shop on mak­ing your own seed balls with the Trust’s hor­ti­cul­ture team, insect ecol­o­gy […]


Governors Island Egg Hunt

Governors Island

First-ever pub­lic egg hunt on Gov­er­nors Island this spring! 10,000 wood­en paint­ed eggs will be hid­den through­out the Island’s 120 acres of open space, with Island-spe­cif­ic prizes and give­aways for the most hard-boiled egg hunters. This new event includes sev­er­al lev­els of egg hunts tai­lored to spe­cif­ic age groups, along with an Island-wide scav­enger hunt […]
