Take a Break, Grab a Cup Thursday
January 20th is the National Coffee Association’s National Coffee Break Day. Across the nation, participating coffee shops will brew up special...
Mulching in Lower Manhattan
It was a brisk, winter's day, but that didn't deter hundreds of Lower Manhattanites from taking part in the Downtown Alliance's annual MulchFest in...
A New Year’s Toast for Lower Manhattan
By Liz BergerNew Year’s is a time to consider the past and make resolutions for the future, a time of reflection and dreaming, reckoning and...
Just Recycle Those Old Gadgets! Here’s an Easy Way to Do It
By Caroline KruseCaroline Kruse is Development Director at the Lower East Side Ecology CenterIt may have been you, or maybe it was a friend of...
Just Recycle Those Old Gadgets! Here's an Easy Way to Do It
By Caroline KruseCaroline Kruse is Development Director at the Lower East Side Ecology CenterIt may have been you, or maybe it was a friend of...
Use This Code for a Great Holiday
By Liz BergerIf you’re like me, you’re always saving those little scraps of paper you ripped out of a magazine or catalog or brochure—reminders...
Downtown Alliance Scares Up Halloween Specials & Events in Lower Manhattan
Looking for fun things to do leading up to Halloween?The Downtown Alliance wants to make sure your days are filled with treats instead of tricks. So...
Fall Community Planting Day
Hundreds of community volunteers joined New York City Council Member Margaret Chin to plant tulips at Bowling Green Saturday during the third annual...
Thousands Adopt Geraniums in Bowling Green Park
Thousands of Lower Manhattan residents, workers and visitors showed up yesterday in Bowling Green Park to take home a free plant as the Alliance for...