Art at Hive Explores Fragile Balance Between Creativity and Fiscal Fitness
For a year and a half the walls of the Hive have remained colorful, yet bare. We always hoped to have local artists display their work, but the...
Checks & Balances: Exhibit Explores Presidents and American Finance
By Kristin AguileraWhen President George Washington died in 1799, his financial assets included such luxury items as a custom-made chariot, a...
Putting Down Roots Here? Join Us at Bowling Green
By Liz BergerLower Manhattan is the city’s oldest—and also newest—neighborhood.It is where George Washington was inaugurated as President in...
Geranium Lovers Occupy Bowling Green Park!
The rain held off yesterday and nearly 4,000 Bowling Green Park geraniums found themselves in the arms of thousands of Lower Manhattan residents and...
Top 10 Reasons to Bring a Geranium Home
Hello, Lower Manhattan! It’s that time of year again! The autumn breeze is here and it’s time to officially usher it in by giving away the 4,000...
The Tale of the Straggly Geranium and How It Won a Reluctant Heart
By Cheryl CuddebackCheryl Cuddeback is a guest blogger. This year' s Adopt-a-Geranium Day is Wednesday, October 12 between 10 AM and noon in Bowling...
Geraniums Rule!
It began as a handful of people showing up just before 10 o’clock last year, but within minutes that trickle became a flood. Hundreds – soon...