Did You Stock Up Too Much? Here’s How You Can Donate Food.

03/24/2020 in
Did You Stock Up Too Much? Here’s How You Can Donate Food.

One in eight New Yorkers cannot afford enough food. And that was before the pandemic. 

Some of New York City’s most vulnerable citizens are feeling the sudden impacts of the COVID-19-related regulations: Soup kitchens that normally provide much-needed meals to the homeless and hungry are having to transition to grab-and-go models amid concerns about social distancing. That is, if they aren’t suspending operations altogether due to lack of volunteers

Charities such as City Harvest, Food Bank for New York City and New York Common Pantry are trying to fill the void, which is expected to increase in the weeks ahead. And there are ways that you can help.

If you went overboard stocking up for staying home for the foreseeable future, as so many have, consider sharing the wealth. Some nonprofits are making it easier than ever for people to donate food during the pandemic. Check out City Harvest for ways you can donate your extra goods. NY Common Pantry is currently encouraging food donations at its drop-off point uptown, from Monday to Thursday, 9:30a to 3:30p, at 8 East 109th Street, 10029. 

Another way to help is by hosting a virtual food drive for Food Bank for NYC while you’re stuck at home. And you can easily make a monetary donation to NY Common Pantry, City Harvest and Food Bank for NYC to help with their essential work right now. 

We may be spending a lot of time alone these days, but that doesn’t mean anyone should have to feel alone. An act of goodwill can make everyone a little more hopeful. 

photo: iStock

Tags: covid-19, food donations

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