
12/03/2009 in

The Hive is open! December 1st was the grand opening of the Hive and we had a number of people working on day one. While the open house days are now over – I still want to encourage everyone to come in at any time for a tour or to have your questions answered. We are open Monday through Friday 9am – 6pm and Thursdays until 9pm. In case you forgot, we are located at 55 Broad Street on the 13th Floor.

Over the past few weeks I have stopped filling you in on all the construction move-in details to bring you Hive news and updates. Of course, a lot happened in that time and I thought I could catch you up to speed.

Move-in week was totally crazy. From late night deliveries to early morning installations – I was working some long days to make sure the Hive was up and running for the open house. As should be expected, a few items didn’t arrive on time, so I was touring the space minus one conference table and one coffee table. I think it was okay – perhaps the best two items to be running late.

The other main malfunction was the power to the desks. I may have mentioned that we got these beautiful desks that would be hardwired for power. The furniture installer came and set everything up – but our electrician wasn’t there to run the wires. We had discussed our need for power in the desks with our contractor since day one, so he knew it was coming.

The night before the first open house, I had trouble sleeping. I had a feeling we would have trouble with the electricity for the desks. When I got to the Hive at 8am the next day, I expected to find the electrician and contractor busily working and finishing up the little details. They had always started working at 6:30 or 7am, so usually by the time I arrived a lot had been accomplished. I had thought the electrician would be half finished by the time I got there. Well, not that day. To my surprise, no one was working at the Hive at all.

In the middle of the day our contractors finally rolled through, and when I asked about the electrician, they weren’t sure! The next day the electrician showed up, but only evaluated the desks and didn’t even install anything. Our contractors had the specs for the desk from the very beginning – so the scope of work should not have been a surprise at all.

As I write this post, the issue still has yet to be resolved. Day one of the Hive may have power strips to run power to people’s computers. It should be resolved by day two or three – but, as you can imagine, I’m agonizing over this!

In other news, we are having a designer install a 3D logo on one of the walls – just like in our rendering. It should be installed today or tomorrow. So when you come to our grand opening party (on Tuesday, December 8th from 6pm – 9pm), you can see our first piece of art hanging on the walls.

Tags: contractors, Hive, Power

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