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Tag: Hot Spots

Wi-Fi Meandering Part III

This is the third and final part of my Wi-Fi meandering to check out the status of our Wi-Fi hotspots and to make sure they were all in good shape.We parted ways last time while I was readying to leave City Hall Park. The next stop was 7 World Trade...

Wi-Fi Meandering Part III

Wi-Fi Meandering Part III

This is the third and final part of my Wi-Fi meandering to check out the status of our Wi-Fi hotspots and to make sure they were all in good shape.We...

Wi-Fi Meandering Part II

Wi-Fi Meandering Part II

This is the second part of my Wi-Fi meandering to check out the status of our Wi-Fi hotspots and to make sure they were all in good shape. Feel free...

WiFi Upgrade 9.0: Six Up, Three to Go!

WiFi Upgrade 9.0: Six Up, Three to Go!

After my first post on this subject, I was worried. After all, we were having serious issues with our Internet provider. For example, instead of...

WiFi 9.0 Upgrade

WiFi 9.0 Upgrade

As the MIS Director and our online communications guy, I'm actually quite fortunate because I get to work on a number of really interesting projects,...