ADNY’S Guide to Recycling
Let’s review all the ways to dispose of everything in Lower Manhattan, so we can keep living on top of a landfill, not in one.

It’s SHREDDING Time: Toss Your Docs and e-Waste at April’s Shred-a-Thon Event
Just in time for Tax Day!

Bid Farewell to Your Shreddable Junk at the Shred-a-Thon and Clothing Drop-Off
Round up your old wardrobe and unwanted documents that are collecting dust and kiss them goodbye, for on Saturday, October 14, the Downtown Alliance...

Jimi Hendrix Wouldn’t Dare Miss This e-Waste and Shred-a-Thon Fest
It might not outshine his 1970 Fillmore East concert, but the event will still have plenty of shredding.

An e-Waste and Shred-a-Thon Fest That Even Eddie Van Halen Wouldn’t Miss
It might not outshine his ’77 Pasadena show, but the event will still have plenty of shredding.